[OFF-TOPIC]Re: PICS is not censorship

Gemini Thunder gt at kdn0.attnet.or.jp
Tue Dec 10 16:17:43 PST 1996

"Timothy C. May" <tcmay at got.net> wrote:

>This was, of course, my point about there being no universally valid truth,
>and what such anti-fraud statutes must mean about religions.

>Basically, "free speech" entails a kind of anarchy (= no law) with regard
>to truths and falsehoods. As I like to say, "at most, one religion is
>correct" (with the other 783 major sects clearly spouting falsehoods...and
>probably _all_ 784 major sects doing so).

I just want to comment on this, as this is one of my pet peeves.

There are universally valid truths.  You implicitly admit so by
stating "...at most, one religion is correct".

The problem is we can not always determine what the universally valid
truth is (especially so in moral/religious matters), so we tend to
cop-out and say there are no truths, or something along the lines of:

"Well, that might be right for you, but not for me." 

or the one I love to hate:

"Perception is reality."

If Gump knew C:
"Momma always said life is like chocolates = chocolates++, 
you never know what you're gonna get."

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