PICS is not censorship

Ryan Russell/SYBASE Ryan.Russell at
Tue Dec 10 10:31:00 PST 1996

Are you people trying to bait us Mormons again? :)


---------- Previous Message ----------
To: cypherpunks
cc: jbaber
From: jbaber @ @ smtp
Date: 12/10/96 03:29:34 PM
Subject: Re: PICS is not censorship

Mike McNally <m5 at> writes: 
> jbaber at wrote:
> > 
> > Not having a detailed knowledge of the American right to free 
> > speach I can only go on my opinions, but lieing with the intent 
> > to defraud would almost certainly be illegal over here. 
> So where lies intent to defraud in the act of deliberately 
> mislabeling a web page?  Why is that any different from me 
> standing on the street corner (or at Hyde Park Corner) announcing
> that I'm the Messiah?

I seem to have edited the previous message badly and left out the
context which was false labeling on pages for which there was a 
charge to view. More along the lines of false advertising to be sure
but still fraud in my opinion.

Also, of course, it would be very hard to show that you were not,
in fact, the Messiah (;->).

Jon Baber
jbaber at

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