A Message From Sue

sue1968 at ix17.ix.netcom.com sue1968 at ix17.ix.netcom.com
Mon Dec 9 06:04:41 PST 1996


Please excuse this intrusion into your mailbox, but I would like to
tell you about something which will be of interest to you.

About a year ago, I purchased two personalized children's books for my
kids and they have  been such an incredible hit with them that the
parents of several of their friends have gone out and purchased the
books for their own kids.  I've also ended up buying several more as
gifts.  This gave me the idea of becoming a distributor for these
great books.

The books are all made with highly durable, hard cover bindings and
have tons of full color illustrations.  Your child's name and the
names of their friends are woven into the story and appear on every
page.  They not only hear the story, they're actually a part of it and
no other book has inspired my children to want to read more than these
books have.  Whether it's for your own child or for another child you
care about, these books make the perfect gift, especially with the
holiday season approaching.

It's impossible for me to describe these books well enough to do them
justice, so instead, I would like to invite you to visit my web site


<A HREF="http://www.steppingstones.com">Click here to go to the
website www.steppingstones.com</A>

There you will find pictures of each of the books I offer and a more
complete description.  I'm so sure you'll love these books as much as
I do, that I'm offering a 100% money back guarantee if you're not
completely satisfied.

We are currently offering a Holiday Special: For every book you order
at the regular price of only $12.95 you can order another for 1/2
price!!!  In order to claim this special offer, you must include
Invitation # 192 on your order form.  Note: All orders for Christmas
must be placed by Wednesday December 18th in order to ensure on time

Thanks for taking the time to read this.  If you are not interested,
please pass it on to a friend who might be, or simply hit delete.

Have a great day!!!

Sue :-)

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