PGP 5.0??

Thomas C. Allard m1tca00 at FRB.GOV
Fri Dec 6 07:43:51 PST 1996

andrew_loewenstern at said:
> what are you guys talking about???  AFAIK, the most current, 
> released,   version of PGP is 2.6.2.  Version 3 is not finished and 
> anything you may get   your hands on is a prerelease version.  PGP 4 
> and 5 simply don't exist! 

PGP 4 is ViaCrypt's latest version of pgp.

It has some features that pgp 2.6.* doesn't have.

>From the User's Manual:
>     ViaCrypt PGP supports three types of keys:
>       Dual-Function Keys are keys that are interoperable and 
> compatible  with pre-4.0 versions of ViaCrypt PGP. They can be used 
> for  encryption/decryption and for digital signatures.
>       Single-Function, Encryption-Only Keys are keys that have been 
> designated to be used for only encryption/decryption, and cannot be 
> used for digital signatures.
>       Single-Function, Signature-Only Keys are keys that have been 
> designated to be used for only digital signatures, and cannot be used 
> for encryption/decryption.  Single function keys are not usable by 
> Version 2.7.1 or earlier. 

There is also a "business edition" with still other featuers, namely a 
"Corporate Access Key".


rgds-- TA  (tallard at
I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.
pgp fingerprint: 10 49 F5 24 F1 D9 A7 D6  DE 14 25 C8 C0 E2 57 9D

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