Pronunciation of the "name" "logos" [Was: Re: Politeness]

Gary Howland gary at
Thu Dec 5 05:03:46 PST 1996

> I note that you have 
> spelt my name as 'logos'. As it is a proper noun in the 
> usage and I have spelt it with the 'L', I would ask you if 
> you consider this spelling of my name to be polite?

Why don't you change your mail address instead of whinging?  If you can't be 
bothered to use a capital 'L', why should you expect anyone else to?

And whilst on the subject of your "name", how is it pronounced?  Is it "low 
goes" (as in "Intel Inside"), or "low goss" (as in "Star Trek")?

> Logos out

May the force be with you,


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