ANNOUNCEMENT: New low-noise cryptography mailing list

Perry E. Metzger perry at
Mon Dec 2 19:23:27 PST 1996

[Sorry that this is several weeks late, folks.]

"Cryptography" is a low-noise mailing list devoted to cryptographic
technology and its political impact.

  "On topic" discussion includes technical aspects of cryptosystems,
  social repercussions of cryptosystems, and the politics of
  cryptography such as export controls or laws restricting cryptography.

  Discussions unrelated to cryptography are considered "off topic".

  If you subscribe, please try to keep your postings "on topic". In
  order to assure that the quality of postings to the mailing list
  remains high, repeated postings "off topic" may result in action
  being taken by the list moderators.

  In order to keep the signal to noise ratio high, the mailing list
  will be moderated during its initial weeks of operation. This will
  be changed if it appears that the list will remain on topic without

TO SUBSCRIBE: send mail to
     majordomo at
  with the line
     subscribe cryptography
  in the body of your mail. If you wish to subscribe a mailing
  address other than the one you are sending from, send a message with
  the line
     subscribe cryptography [address]

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