How long do you want to live?

All at Internet.Users All at Internet.Users
Sun Dec 1 07:01:01 PST 1996

                          HELLO IS ANYONE OUT THERE?

                     HOW LONG DO YOU WANT TO LIVE?

                            WHAT QUALITY OF LIFE?

    First,  imagine this scene.  Your daughter or son is on the phone with
a 911 dispatcher.  Why?  You are lying on the floor in the kitchen,  clutching
your chest,  panic stricken.  You are 45 years old.  In addition to fear,  lots
of things are racing through your mind.  You want to see your children grow
to adulthood.  You want to travel.  You want to enjoy life some more.
Right now though,  you don't know if tomorrow will come.

     FACT:  According to the World Health Organization more than 12 million
                  people die from heart attacks,  strokes and other forms of
                  cardiovascular disease.  THESE DEATHS ARE LARGELY

     FACT:  In the U.S. there are 1500 heart attacks each day;  33% resulting
                  in sudden and premature deaths.  NO SECOND CHANCE!!

     FACT:  Heart attacks and strokes are not diseases.  They are caused by
                  vitamin deficiencies.  America's number one killer can be prevented
                  by an optimum intake of essentials nutrients.

     FACT:  A medical breakthrough has made an old dream of mankind come true.
                  Heart attacks and other forms of cardiovascular disease can essentially
                  become unknown during this generation and forthcoming generations.

     The division I am heading holds the rights to a patented,  non prescription,
non-surgical means to lower cholesterol,  prevent and reverse heart disease. If 
you are interested in adding more life to your yearsnot just more years to your
life,  please call me at: 1-800-741-6240 and leave your name, address and phone
number for more detailed information.  I'd like to ensure you I am not looking for
investors or salespeople.  This may be one of the most important decisions of
your life.


Dr. George Tarryk, M.D.
Internal Medicine Specialist

Please Only Reply By Phone,  Thank you.

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