Elliptic Curve Y**2 = x**3 + a * x**2 + b

Timothy C. May tcmay at got.net
Fri Aug 30 04:37:47 PDT 1996

At 2:38 AM 8/30/96, Erle Greer wrote:
>> 1: How can I take the suqare root mod p ?
>This has what to do with CP?

Quite a lot, actually.

Elliptic curves closely describe the trajectories followed by Dark
Helicopters (known as "D-H" in cryptographic circles^H^H^H^H^H^Hellipses).
I observed Clinton's Dark Helicopter tracing an ellipse over my home just a
few weeks ago. (And the connections between the White House and the Ellipse
are too well known to comment upon.)

Speaking darkly, the leading algorithm is RSA, named after the Republic of
South Africa. Ellipses within ellipses form mandalas, so the connection
with RSA is all too obvious, even to a Sovok Bilderberger.

Ellipses also show up on the CP list in other ways...as when people elide
material and mark the elided material with "..."

For an alternate view of reality, look at Neal Koblitz's book "A Course in
Number Theory and Cryptography."


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