Identification docs needed.

John C. Randolph jcr at pirate
Wed Aug 28 03:34:01 PDT 1996


Sorry for the off-topic post, but I think that the resourceful
people on this list might be able to help.

I have a friend here in NYC who is in a bit of a bind, because she  
has *no* id.  Her birth was never recorded (i.e. no birth

So, the question is:  Anyone have any suggestions as to how one
could obtain documentation that would pass muster with the local
passport office?  I'm hoping to help her obtain the documentation
she needs to get on an airplane without gaining too much attention  
from the JBT's.

BTW, she was born a US citizen in Puerto Rico.  Baptismal records
may be forthcoming, but that isn't certain.



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