WinSock Remailer Available at Obscura

Joey Grasty jgrasty at
Wed Aug 21 22:07:23 PDT 1996


The WinSock Remailer is now available for download 
from Lance Cottrell's homepage at:

Go to the export controlled section.  After you
traverse the export control form and get to the 
ftp site, you will find the remailer in the DOS 
directory.  The filename is WSA12.ZIP.  Inside you
will find a README.TXT file (that contains information
on how to setup the remailer), a PGP signature file
WSRMA12.SIG, and the remailer binaries WSRMA12.ZIP.
The signature file is used with PGP to check that the
the WSRMA12.ZIP file has not been altered.

Send me a note if you have any difficulty.  A special
thanks to Lance for his help and his disk space.


Joey Grasty
jgrasty at [home -- encryption, privacy, RKBA and other hopeless causes]
jgrasty at [work -- designing pagers]
"Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is,
of course, in a state of sin." -- John Von Neumann
PGP = A7 CC 31 E4 7E A3 36 13  93 F4 C9 06 89 51 F5 A7

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