Rumors of death of Anguilla Data are greatly exagerated.

Vince demo at
Mon Aug 12 19:18:54 PDT 1996

> >  And Anguilla is first and foremost a taxhaven.  But it tries hard to be a
> >  very clean taxhaven (does not want drug money etc).  I think that "clean"
> >  corporations operating here tax free is a potentially huge market.
> This is an illusion.  There ain't no such thing as a clean corporation
> operating in a clean tax haven.  Every overseas corp that is doing
> something they can't do without interference back onshore, is running the
> gauntlet.

In taxhaven industry jargon, "clean" means they are avoiding taxes only. 
No drugs, no money laundering, no violent crime, no stolen money, no

Many fortune 500 companies have offshore corporations for "self
insurance".  Many many movies have corporations offshore just for that
movie.  These are type of "clean" corporations that taxhavens like. 

   --  Vince

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