
Fri Aug 9 00:03:25 PDT 1996

From:	IN%"educom at"  8-AUG-1996 22:27:27.58
To:	IN%"edupage at"  "EDUCOM Edupage Mailing List"

>Edupage, 8 August 1996.  Edupage, a summary of news about information
>technology, is provided three times a week as a service by Educom,
>a Washington, D.C.-based consortium of leading colleges and universities
>seeking to transform education through the use of information technology.

>The head of the gang task force for the Arizona Department of Public Safety
>reports that a Web site established in Detroit offers a how-to guide for
>gangster wannabes and is urging gang members everywhere to unite under its
>umbrella to form the first cyberspace gang.  The official says:  "Now it's
>in your home, your living room, your den... Unfortunately, these guys can
>talk about anything they want and there's nothing law enforcement can do
>about it."  (Atlanta Journal-Constitution 8 Aug 96 F3)

	Umm... yes, it's called free speech. While organizational ability
might be a matter for concern, somehow I doubt that having them on the net
will do any real damage... being on a computer that mine is connected to hardly
puts them "in [my] home," even if my computer at home were connected to a phone
line. Bloody law enforcement paranoids...

>Edupage is written by John Gehl <gehl at> & Suzanne Douglas
><douglas at>.  Voice:  404-371-1853, Fax: 404-371-8057.

>Technical support is provided by Information Technology Services at the
>University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

>Edupage ... is what you've just finished reading.  To subscribe to Edupage:
>send mail to: listproc at with the message:  subscribe edupage
>Abraham Lincoln (if your name is Abraham Lincoln;  otherwise, substitute
>your own name).  ...  To cancel, send a message to: listproc at
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