More evidence that democracy is bunk

Lucky Green shamrock at
Sat Aug 3 13:25:53 PDT 1996

At 10:02 8/3/96, Martin Minow wrote:

>At last month's SAFE (crypto policy) conference, one of the
>legislators mentioned that someone snuck the text of the
>Fourth Amendment into the crime bill, and it was voted down
>in committee.
>(It would be nice to dig this out of a transcript, so it doesn't
>become an urban legand.)

I remember when this originally happened. It was on the news. But I thought
it happened in the full House. Should be in the Congressional Record.

-- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock at> PGP encrypted mail preferred.
   Defeat the Demopublican Unity Party. Vote no on Clinton/Dole in November.
   Vote Harry Browne for President.

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