[off-topic] roving wiretaps

Carlos L. Mariscal clopez at nayar.uan.mx
Sat Aug 3 11:30:20 PDT 1996

> >>>>> Cerridwyn Llewyellyn <ceridwyn at wolfenet.com> writes:
>   >> One should understand that monitoring cellular traffic is *much*
>   >> more difficult than tapping a conventional phone...
>   > I'd have to disagree on that point.  Monitoring cellular traffic
>   > requires nothing more than a cellular phone, and some software
>   > which enables you to follow calls through the cells, for a total
>   > cost of about $500...

	So, it is MUCH more difficult, or at least more expensive; anyone 
can get a beige box for less than US $10, right? And clipping it onto 
MaBell boxes takes less of a brain than programming or modifying a 
scanner or a cellular phone.   :)

   ====         'If you can dream of it
   |  |__       then you can manage it'
   |  |-.\     
   |__|  \\         clopez at nayar.uan.mx
    ||   ||         
/____________\   Carlos L. Mariscal

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