API for the next release of NOISE.SYS available...

Deranged Mutant WlkngOwl at UNiX.asb.com
Mon Apr 29 01:14:16 PDT 1996

If you're interested in seeing the preliminary API for the next 
NOISE.SYS release, send a  message with the subject "send noise-api" 
and my mail filter will respond in kind.

Thoughful comments and criticisms or suggestions would be most 

If you're seriously interested in taking a look at the source code 
before the next version is released (that is, if you intend to comb 
it for bugs, optimizations, security flaws, etc. etc.) drop me a 


Send a blank message with the subject "send pgp-key"
to <WlkngOwl at unix.asb.com> for a copy of my PGP key.

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