[NOISE] Re: Guardian angels, the decency brigade, and cyberserap

CyberAngels Director : Colin Gabriel Hatcher angels at wavenet.com
Sun Apr 28 00:22:29 PDT 1996

Peter Trei wrote about my signature:
>It's this last sig-quote that bothers me. It's worth noting that, unlike
>the other two, it has no attribution. It looks like an inversion of
>Benjamin Franklin's:
>" They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
>  deserve neither liberty nor safety."
>         - Historical Review of Pennsylvania

It is an inversion of that quotation and it does indeed sum up our focus.
It has no name on it because I switched it around to make a motto for our
work.  Not that I disagree with Franklin though.  The comment is true both
ways around.

>People usually put in their .sigs quotes they feel sum up their personal
>philiosophy. I guess soon we'll see 'Gabriel' give us some more words
>to live by; these may be right up his alley:
>"War is Peace"
>"Ignorance is Strength"
>"Freedom is Slavery"
>        - Orwell, "1984"

:)  As a former teacher at the University of London department of adult
studies, teaching history, politics and International Relations I can
assure you I am very familiar with the history and belief of
totalitarianism - and have opposed them all my life.

>Gabriel's also misquoting Burke - the actual text is:
>"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do
>nothing. "

That's not how I have it but hey! Obviously we are dealing here with a man
who knows his quotes.


"Two people may disagree,
but that does not mean that one of them is evil"


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