[NOISE] Re: onyma

Alan Bostick abostick at netcom.com
Wed Apr 10 22:01:42 PDT 1996


In article <199604100105.DAA09113 at utopia.hacktic.nl>,
nobody at replay.com (Name Withheld by Request) wrote:
> tcmay at got.net (Timothy C. May) writes:
> >Not meant to be snide, even if sounded that way. I just get confused by
> >your various nyms
> The term `nym' is erroneus: The Greek words are an-onym, pseud-onym,
> syn-onym, hom-onym pp, derived from `onyma', name.

I am a professional freelance editor and copyeditor.  It is my job to
see that the language used by authors conforms to the rigid dictates of
style, spelling, and grammar.

As an experienced professional in this field, I have learned that where
rules of spelling, grammar, vocabulary come from is *usage*.  Words
become accepted parts of the language because people start to use them. 
The acceptance of words is recognized by their adoption in to lexicons
and dictionaries, but this is description, not prescription.

If you want to be linguistically correct and ensure that 'onyma'
prevails over 'nym,' you've got a lot of catching up to do.  'Nym' is
is clearly established by usage on the Cypherpunks list, and I expect
it's only a matter of time before it starts showing up in print media,
if it hasn't already, and get listings in the Jargon File, then
dictionaries, etc.

You can't fight usage; it is usage that makes the language as she is
spoke what it is.

- -- 
Alan Bostick               | They say in online country there is no middle way
mailto:abostick at netcom.com | You'll either be a Usenet man or a thug for the CDA
news:alt.grelb             |    Simon Spero (after Tom Glazer)

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