"Who shall speak for us?"

Brent Buescher buescher at lust.ugcs.caltech.edu
Fri Sep 29 12:49:05 PDT 1995

Is there a charter for the mailing list?  Some kind of broad position
paper and possibly a history of "exploits" would be helpful for the
typical mediadroid.  Also, maybe the thing to do is to point media
types who want spokespeople in the direction of the EFF.

I have a good friend that's a reporter for a local TV station, and
when you realize how much pressure these guys are under to get a
complete story in a handful of hours and condense it down into one
minute of something that's interesting to Joe Sixpack, it's easy to
understand how the mass media messes up anything vaguely technical or
not easily understood in terms of people's preconceived ideas


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