Exchange random numbers (was: Re: netscape's response)

David_A Wagner daw at CS.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Sep 25 13:32:16 PDT 1995

In article <199509211852.LAA22259 at Csli.Stanford.EDU> you write:
> | If I only ever give out a hash of my seed, and only ever *add* any received
> | info to my seed (and stir it in well), how can anyone find out anything?
> | (Apart from hash weaknesses.)
> Giving out contribution: 
>      MD5(select_bits(my_seed, start_bit, stop_bit)) -> remote
> Taking in contribution : 
>      my_seed = my_seed XOR 
>      ((select_low_bits(remote_contrib, contrib_width) << contrib_area)

People seem to think this kind of thing is obviously safe.  I'm not yet

By xoring in a quantity *chosen by your adversary*, you're essentially
allowing related-key attacks on your stream cipher.  (Your PRNG is just
a stream cipher, keyed with my_seed.)

Noone knows how secure most ciphers are against related-key attacks:
related-key attacks are known to be very powerful (often more powerful
than any other type); but very little research on this topic is available.
You're treading on unknown ground.

There's the also a small error in your specific algorithm.  Let
	 n = stop_bit - start_bit;
presumably n is much less than the length of your seed.  Then a brute-force
search over n bits will recover n bits of the seed -- this is a much faster
cryptanalysis than a brute force over all bits of the seed.  This can
probably be fixed by something like
	MD5(select_bits(MD5(my_seed))) -> remote,
but the related-key uncertainties still remain.

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