"Going after Netscape"

Lucky Green shamrock at netcom.com
Sat Sep 23 13:05:49 PDT 1995


In article <199509231914.MAA01326 at infinity.c2.org>, sameer at c2.org (sameer)

>> So, keep on "attacking" Netscape (kudos to Ray, by the way, though I've
>> seen Netscape bomb on certain sites, as with the Cypherpunks archive site,
>> as several of us noted a few months ago...probably a different problem, but
>> indicative that Netscape can be corrupted). But let's be careful not to
>> convey any flavor of this being a vendetta.
>        I agree. The goal is not to kill Netscape but to make the net

Absolutely. We aren't on a vendetta. We want to make the net secure for
privacy. If hacking a Netscape server will help that goal, surely
Netsape's own would be the most appropriate server to try, since it will
generate the largest exposure in the press and thereby the strongest
motivation for Netscape to fix the hole.

- -- 
- -- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock at netcom.com>
   PGP encrypted mail preferred.
- ---
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