DC-C'punks meeting

Pat Farrell pfarrell at netcom.com
Tue Sep 12 13:01:10 PDT 1995

Sorry to waste list bandwidth for the 600 folks too far
away to care about this...

The next DC-area c'punks meeting will be September 16, it will be 
at the Digex headquarters offices in Beltsville, probably 
starting about 3:00 PM. 

Digital Express Group
6800 Virginia Manor Road
Beltsville Maryland 20705
(301) 847-5000 

Directions to DIGEX

>From the Washington Beltway (I495) in Maryland, take Route 1 North.
drive on Route 1 a few miles, maybe as many as three or four.
You will see a Ritz Camera Center. Turn left onto Ritz Way.
At the second street, turn Right onto Virginia Manor Road.
You are now near 6800 Virginia Manor Road.
Digex is the last building on the Right. 

If you need more information, email me, or see my
http://www.isse.gmu.edu/~pfarrell/dccp page.


Pat Farrell      grad student        http://www.isse.gmu.edu/students/pfarrell
Infor. Systems and Software Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
PGP key available via finger or request           #include standard.disclaimer

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