[NOISE]Re: ECPA (Was: University logging mail to anon.penet.fi)

Jim Ray liberty at gate.net
Fri Sep 8 16:24:58 PDT 1995



>	Whatever do the workings of an hypothetical "libertarian"
>society have to do with the "Libertarian Party"?  Certainly, it would
>be nice if the latter were working towards the former, but the two are
>not the same.

So? (They are as close as we are going to get.)

>	I know of quite a few `l'ibertarians who strongly object to
>the `L'ibertarian Party pledge.

They were in the minority in my party, even *before* the OK City
mass-murder proved why we have such a pledge (to distance ourselves
from those who would initiate violence).
This reply, to a reply to the ENTIRE list, would probably have been
better sent privately. The reason that I first sent to the whole
list was as much to encourage other posters to proofread their posts
as for any libertarian political purpose.
<Wishing that this thread would end>

Interesting letter to the editor RE: Jerry Garcia in today's WSJ.<g>

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Freedom isn't Freeh

Regards, Jim Ray

"As sensitive and broad-minded humans, we must never allow ourselves to
be in any way judgmental of the religious practices of other people,
even when these people clearly are raving space loons." -- Dave Barry
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