Netscape rewards are an insult

RingZero an402976 at
Mon Oct 16 10:27:51 PDT 1995

On Sat, 14 Oct 1995, Henry Wertz wrote:

On Sat, 14 Oct 1995, Dr. Frederick B. Cohen wrote:

> 	The idea that Netscape (like Microsoft) thinks they can get free
> testing services from all over the net by real experts just by offerring
> a tee shirt is down right offensive.
> 	I have a better idea.  How about an open market in break-in
> software.  We crack Netscape and offer the crack code to the highest
> bidder.  Bids start at US$25K per hole.  For the insult, Netscape has to
> outbid the competition by a factor of 2 to get the details of the hole.
> Here's how it works:
     You know, this all seems kind of greedy to me.. It used to be people
would find holes for *fun* and not for profit.  It's still possible to do
that you know 8-).

It almost sounds like extortion, doesn't it?


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