A random-noise sampling device for DOS

wlkngowl at unix.asb.com wlkngowl at unix.asb.com
Tue Nov 28 05:47:42 PST 1995

I'm working on a random noise sampling device for DOS, and so far have
a prototype version that samples the keyboard timings.  I'm unsure of
a good way to implement it...

Device timings (and in the future periodic samplings of the mouse
position or sound-card noise input) are put into a ring-buffer of raw
data and the output is a straight secure hash of it...  (when the
output buffer is used it, it just rehashes the data in the buffer at
the moment...)

I'm looking for some advice on how to determine when the raw data has
been "used up" and worth processing/encrypting before re-hashing it...

This in mind, offers for eventual beta-testers (annnouncement will
follow when it's ready), or suggestions for features (what to sample,
device interfaces) would be helpful.

Thanks in advance,

Rob <wlkngowl at unix.asb.com>

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