Timed-release crypto - Proactive security plug

Beavis B. Thoopit beavis at bioanalytical.com
Mon Nov 13 13:31:38 PST 1995


> A solution to this is proactive secret sharing, as described in [HJKY95].
> In this protocol, the secret shares are periodically refreshed (i.e. new
> shares are computed distributively and then the old shares are erased).
> In this manner, an attacker has to break into most servers during the same
> period; shares from one period are worthless on the next period.
> Best, Amir
> [HJKY95] `Proactive Secret Sharing', A. Herzberg, H. Krawczyk, S. Jareski,
> M. Yung, Crypto 95.


Here is an example of _dynamics_ being used to increase the security of
a logical protocol.  I believe that dynamics may be usable at a more micro
level to build a physical device that is expensive to compromise...

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