Apologies for spam

cjl cjl at welchlink.welch.jhu.edu
Fri Nov 3 18:00:34 PST 1995


I really didn't mean to send that last message to the list.  I had 
stiffened my resolve not to rise to the obvious troll bait, but a minor 
seizure of some sort resulted in the send command being issued instead of 
the cancel command. . .

By way of making up for it I thought that some of you might be interested 
in knowing that AAAS is having it's annual meeting in Baltimore this year 
and of interest to those pondering alternative means to bruting 
cryptosystems are the sessions below:

DNA Computing, Friday Feb. 9, 8:30 - 11:30 am
Organized by Richard Lipton, Princeton University

Quantum Computation, Friday Feb. 9, 2:30 - 5:30 pm 
Organized by Seth Lloyd, MIT

C. J. Leonard                     (    /      "DNA is groovy"
                                   \ /                - Watson & Crick
<cjl at welchlink.welch.jhu.edu>      / \     <--  major groove
                                  (    \
Finger for public key               \   )
Strong-arm for secret key             /    <--  minor groove
Thumb-screws for pass-phrase        /   )

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