Transcript of Bernstein hearing is now available

Jim Gillogly jim at
Thu Nov 2 13:22:52 PST 1995

> John Gilmore <gnu at> writes:
> We received the transcript of October 20's oral hearing from the court
> stenographer.  It's up on the EFF Web site at:


I find it hard to read things in all upper case.  Here's a slowish 95%
hack to make it more legible.  I imagine there's a 5-line way to do it
twenty times faster for 99% success, but what the heck...

	Jim Gillogly
	Highday, 12 Blotmath S.R. 1995, 19:47

# delegal: quick-n-dirty case conversion for Bernstein transcript
# 2 Nov 95, Gillogly

@propers =
( "daniel", "dan", "marilyn", "hall", "patel", "california", "bernstein",
  "united", "department", "state", "cohn", "coppolino", "national",
  "security", "agency", "steefel", "levitt", "weiss", "court", "i",
  "mc", "glashan", "sarrall", "lee", "tien", "ed", "ross", "susan", "arnold",
  "justice", "anthony", "mandel", "bazarov", "appeals", "helme", "webster",
  "states", "dorfmont", "constitution", "constitutional", "doe", "schechter",
  "snuffle", "june", "lowell", "cj", "edler", "olc", "mr", "ninth",
  "circuit", "judge", "ritchie", "english", "dr", "freedman", "o", "brien",
  "pentagon", "cubby", "compuserve", "golden", "gate", "san", "francisco",


$INDENT_UPALL = 13;     # If indented deeper than this, upcase each word
$INDENT_UPCOLON = 6;    # If indented with a colon and these spaces, upcase
$INDENT_PARA = 10;      # If indented this deep, upcase first word
$INDENT_SENT = 2;       # Pick up sentence starts

while ($proper = pop(@propers))
	($first, $rest) = ($proper =~ /^(.)(.*)$/);
	$first =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	$caps{$proper} = $first . $rest;

while (<>)
	tr/A-Z/a-z/;            # Downcase everything
	s/u\.s\./U.S./g;        # special case
	s/d\.c\./D.C./g;        # special case
	s/([^a-z])nsa([^a-z])/$1NSA$2/g;  # Another one
	s/([^a-z])itar([^a-z])/$1ITAR$2/g;  # Another one

	# Upcase known proper names
	while (($proper, $cap) = each(%caps))
		($first, $rest) = ($proper =~ /^(.)(.*)$/);
	# If it's indented deeply, upcase each word
	if (/ {$INDENT_UPALL}/ || /: {$INDENT_UPCOLON}/)
		while (($low) = /[^a-zA-Z]([a-z])/)
			$low =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	# Upcase middle initials
	while (($init) = / ([a-z])\./)
		$init =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
		s/ [a-z]\./ $init\./;
	# Upcase paragraphs
	if (($init) = / {$INDENT_PARA}([a-z])/)
		$init =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
		s/( {$INDENT_PARA})[a-z]/$1$init/;
	# Sentences
	($num, $_) = /^([ \d]*)([^ \d].*)$/; # Simplify
	while (($init) = /[^ ] {$INDENT_SENT}([a-z])/)
		$init =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
		s/( {$INDENT_SENT})[a-z]/$1$init/;
	$_ = $num . $_ . "\n";

	print $_;

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