The Big Win (doze)..A simple explanation

UnCensored Girls Anonymous carolann at
Tue Jul 25 01:53:30 PDT 1995

Now that I've gotten Eudora back, I found this
totally simple explanation to it all.
It came from Doc Ozone via a via a via


>>You make the call...
>>Be seeing you,
>>------- Forwarded Message
>>(via mmesser at
>>  Given Microsoft's recently announced acquisition of the Roman Catholic
>>Church, I find the following message, received earlier today, extremely
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>>The real name of "the" Bill Gates is William Henry Gates III.
>>Nowadays he is known as Bill Gates (III), where "III" means the order
>>of third (3rd.)
>>By converting the letters of his current name to the ASCII-values and
>>adding his (III), you get the following:
>>B       66
>>I       73
>>L       76
>>L       76
>>G       71
>>A       65
>>T       84
>>E       69
>>S       83
>>+        3
>> --------------
>>       666 !!
>>Some might ask, "How did Bill Gates get so powerful?" Coincidence? Or
>>just the beginning of mankind's ultimate and total enslavement???
>>YOU decide!
>>Before you decide, consider the following:
>>M  S  -  D  O  S     6  .  2  1
>>77+83+45+68+79+83+32+54+46+50+49 = 666
>>W  I  N  D  O  W  S  9  5
>>87+73+78+68+79+87+83+57+53+1 = 666
>>Coincidence?  I think not
>>------- End of Forwarded Message

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