FW: Edupage 7/9/95 (fwd)

Adam Shostack adam at bwh.harvard.edu
Wed Jul 12 06:32:41 PDT 1995

| And the nazi pages were written in english. The pages were named
| after the author of the pages (something like 'The XY report', where
| XY was the authors name, but I can't remember it. The author was
| an american).

	The Leuter report?  Leuter was a local moron who claimed to be
an engineer.  He wrote a report claiming to prove that the gas
chambers somewhere were too small to kill many people.

	The Commonwealth of Mass brought him to court several years
ago for "practicing engineering without a license."  A good rebuttal
of his report was written up by (I think) William McVey, in Canada.
Ask in talk.politics.mideast, or soc.history.revisionist or something.

	I have no idea why this thread is still on cypherpunks, unless
its an experiment in text stego.


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