Don't trust the net too much

Adam Shostack adam at
Tue Jul 11 20:29:18 PDT 1995

| > hundered dollars worth of transmitter parts, you can cause transient
| > failures with EMF pulse weapons, and for a bit more, you can fry all
| > the electronics, then drive away before they have any idea that their

| worth of parts.  Could you be more specific?

| > 	Go read Winn Schwartaus book "Information Warfare"  Then go
| > read Sun Tzu.
| I have.  I agree, killing people is dumb, but try telling that to your 

	More specifically, few items sensitive electronic items are
hardened against electromagnetic pulses.  Ever see a speaker interfere
with your TV set?  Build a big enough speaker, and you can screw with
your computers memory.  (Of course, if you just use an electromagnet,
and not bother to build a speaker around it, you'll be much more
energy efficient. :) A big enough pulse can confuse just about any
hardware; bigger pulses still can destroy it.  Directed (or
undirected) pulses are easy to produce with the right amps.

	Again, check out Schwartau; your local library probably has


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of any kind is lost all at     Zimmermann legal defense fund
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