FW: Edupage 7/9/95 (fwd)

Lyle Seaman lws+ at transarc.com
Tue Jul 11 12:06:57 PDT 1995

danisch at ira.uka.de (Hadmut Danisch) writes:
> There are certain nazi pages in America. They were showing them in
> a german tv magazine some time ago, but they didn't tell the URLs.
> The URL field in the Mosaic window was painted over.

Oh dear.  There are certain smut pages in Germany.  They were showing
them on TV recently, but I couldn't quite catch the URL.  I can see it
now -- the US government censors the net to keep out the Germans (but
the tourists can still come -- hey, at an average of $80K/year annual
income, they're welcome to go shopping in New York, though if they
want to change clothes on the beach they have to do *that* in
California, Florida is right out, eh Lawton?) and the Germans censor
the net to keep out the Americans.   Oh dear. 

Lyle		Transarc		707 Grant Street
412 338 4474	The Gulf Tower		Pittsburgh 15219

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