"bad" government

W. Kinney kinney at bogart.Colorado.EDU
Mon Jan 30 12:23:48 PST 1995

Richard K. Moore says:
> libertarians might like the theoretical, abstract formula of "unregulated
> capital", but if you'd put down your Friedman long enough to read history,
> you'd know that it was a disaster.

Perry Metzger says:
> Before starting a giant flamewar here, let me simply note that some of
> us violently disagree with everything -- ever last detail -- of what
> you have to say -- indeed, probably the majority of people here. Since
> this isn't a list for discussion of politics, I'll simply suggest that
> this isn't the right place to discuss this.

Some others of us, however, are very happy to see that there are 
people still subscribed to this list who don't buy into the tripe that
the "majority" of the people here try to pass off as a political philosophy.

This list _ought_ to be the wrong place for politics, but it is
disingenuous to imply that politics, and pretty nutty politics at that,
doesn't consume a hefty fraction of what this list spews out. The fact
that someone expressing a moderate viewpoint is in danger of being 
flambeed is the list's problem, not Mr. Moore's.

                                 -- Will

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