No more unix holy war !

L. McCarthy lmccarth at
Thu Jan 26 22:32:52 PST 1995

>From James Donald                   Jan 26, 95 07:14:19 pm +0800
> A:  This is not the proper place for such arguments.

Right, so why do you persist in sending them here ?

> B:  The statement is so flagrantly silly that the
> proper response is ridicule, not an answer.

Right, so why did you answer (and to the list, no less) ?

> [Childish insults, abuse, and flame bait deleted]

If that were true, this thread would be long dead.

> Note that although this flame has nothing to do with cypherpunks

Right, so why are you sending it to the cypherpunks list ?

>From jamesd at        Jan 26, 95 08:05:46 pm +0800
> To summarize this thread, and I hope end it.

This was (briefly) promising.

>From jamesd at         Jan 26, 95 09:00:03 pm +0800
> I am writing this under sun's unix imitation of Microsoft's

If you hoped to end the thread, why continue it like this less than an hour
later ?

>From jamesd at         Jan 26, 95 09:05:10 pm +0800
> And did I mention that "make" used to treat a tab as semanticly
> Oh yes, I did mention that.
> Well I guess I will mention it again.

Why ?  What about ending the thread ?

>From jamesd at         Jan 26, 95 09:12:31 pm +0800
> And did I mention that in DOS you can type
>    rename *.txt *.asc

3 more messages in 13 minutes, and you said you hoped this thread would end ?

>From jamesd at         Jan 26, 95 09:38:35 pm +0800
> And did I mention that in DOS you can type:
>    dir filename /s
> You are spared.  I will not mention "curses".

Why not spare us entirely by not sending all this mail which "has nothing to
do with cypherpunks" as you said ?

"Yes, James, you're absolutely right. I prostrate myself before your

Will you be quiet about this now ?  What do we need to do to make you hush up ?

 -L. Futplex McCarthy

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