Another problem w/Data Havens...

Eric Hughes eric at
Wed Jan 18 07:44:09 PST 1995

   From: Michael Handler <grendel at>

   [automatically split and redistribute]
   If the authorities attempt to indict you for possessing illegal
   information / kiddie porn / whatnot, they have to prove that you
   interfered with the automatic redistribution process and examined the
   contents of the submission. If you in fact did not look at the submission,
   they would have a difficult time doing so. 

This is exactly the right kind of approach, I think.  It's more
expensive to implement than a readable-reject filter, but then I
expect a continuum of services.

The key legal point is "interfered with the automatic redistribution
process".  If an operator can point to those fixed properties of a
system which keep the operator ignorant, an opponent trying to prove
otherwise will have difficult time.


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