Joel McNamara joelm at eskimo.com
Wed Jan 18 07:21:06 PST 1995

I know, it's a little bit outside the normal realm of discussion, but...

The Cyphernomicon talks about a proposed, early Cypherpunk project that
dealt with TEMPEST/VanEck monitoring.  Did anyone carry this out beyond the
idea stage?  All I ever seem to see is "theory" and "hear-say" on this topic
(and the original VanEck article appears dated and incomplete).

I noticed the Consumertronics (John Williams in Alamogordo, New Mexico)
catalog has an assembled device that will work with EGA to SVGA monitors.
$3,995 seems a bit pricey though (or is it).  Has anyone had dealings with
Consumertronics in the past?

Replies directly back to me if this is a waste of bandwidth for the rest of
the list.


Joel McNamara
joelm at eskimo.com - finger for PGP key

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