Another problem w/Data Havens...

Robert Rothenberg rrothenb at
Sun Jan 15 22:50:06 PST 1995

A couple of days ago I wrote:

> > such a service could become a magnet for the "elite warez" crowd...
> What's wrong with young, curious eLiTiStS running storing sites for
> mutual benefits ('warez')? Some say copyright is dead. Others have
> taken this to their hearts, especially for private use, and I don't
> blame them. Copyrighted data on a server in a jurisdiction that
> doesn't acknowledege the copyrights - a prime use for Data Havens
> when they come of age.

I'm not saying anything is wrong with it.... just that it is a problem
that can lead the "authorities" to try to shut down the site, esp. when
the pornography bogieman wears out (pun intended ;).  Strangely, even
though it's more socially acceptable for people to use "borrowed" wares
there's poorer arguments for defending it than "pornography"... hardly
any cries of foul happen when a board or site is busted for pirated
software than pornography.

Basically, what I'm saying is that it's an issue that data haven admins
should keep in mind (esp. if there's a fee): perhaps they can most safely
be run in jurisdictions with lax or no copyright laws.

> Mats

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