How do I know if its encrypted?

Ben.Goren at Ben.Goren at
Fri Jan 13 18:17:34 PST 1995

At 6:58 PM 1/13/95, Eric Hughes wrote:
>   From: Ben.Goren at
>   That of the data haven operator being able to deny knowledge of the
>   contents of files people send him. He'll only return files that, when
>   operated on by a strong cryptographic algorithm, make sense.
>This idea doesn't work for the purpose intended.  I'll upload straight
>ASCII.  When you ask for an decryption key, I'll make one up randomly,
>apply the decryption algorithm to the flat text, and send that back to
>you as a confirmation.
>[. . .]

Damn. I hate it when I overlook the obvious.

Still, I'd like to think there's an answer. Perhaps I'll keep thinking on it.


Ben.Goren at, Arizona State University School of Music
 Finger ben at for PGP public key ID 0xCFF23BD5.

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