Why use plastic for remailers and DH?

Russell Nelson nelson at crynwr.com
Tue Jan 10 21:56:58 PST 1995

   Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 21:54:24 -0500 (EST)
   From: Angus Patterson <s675570 at aix1.uottawa.ca>

   This point may have been raised before, but anyway, unless you're using a 
   swiss-bank issued credit card for a numbered account (if that's at all 
   possible), or a bogus name on the card, why would anybody want to use 
   something as completely traceable as a credit card to pay for a remailer 
   or a data haven?

Because the message you sent into the remailer isn't tracable to the
message that left the remailer (isn't that the point?).  Give the FBI
credit for *some* brains and assume that they already know you used
the remailer, because they saw mail from you enter the remailer.

-russ <nelson at crynwr.com>    http://www.crynwr.com/crynwr/nelson.html
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