Syed Yusuf yusuf921 at uidaho.edu
Tue Jan 10 17:04:20 PST 1995

  I was just visited by the a humble servant of the FBI
inquireing what I knew of BLACKNET. They apparently believe it's
a possible network industrial sabbatoge (read Terrorism).

Although the person I spoke to was quite cordial and even bought me 
lunch (that's the way to win me over) I must really question
the intellegence (read IQ) and intellagence (read reconnasance)
of his superiors.

apparently whoever sent him his lead doesn't pay attention to the net
enough to know Blacknet was a hoax, and why did it take since august
for them to find me?

I explained to him the differece between a Cyperpunk and a hacker
explained what a joke it is to be prosicuting Mr. Zimmerman
and why the Government is in the wrong for trying to limit encrytion
strenght. Then I demonstrated the Internet and how to e-mail the prez
and FTP speaches of the Prez :)

(I know I know, act stupid so they volentere as much info as possible,
he let too many things slip, but still If I had his job I'd be following 
up things like this too)

--Syed Yusuf
(Cypherpunk and proud of it damnit!)

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