"safe" Internet access

Russell Nelson nelson at crynwr.com
Tue Jan 10 08:42:02 PST 1995

If you want to access the Internet in a way that doesn't reveal your
physical location (much), buy access from Metricom.  They sell
Internet access via radios.  A small part-15 (900Mhz) $500 radio modem
is needed, plus a few dozen bucks/month (thereabouts).  If you use a
yagi antenna, that will reduce your emissions to mostly one direction.
If you're in line-of-sight with one of their poletops, you can point a
telescope in that direction, and transmit only when you *don't* see a
truck bristling with antennas.  Every radio has a serial number, and
they record who's got what, so they could cut you off much, much
easier than catching you.

For more information, see <http://www.metricom.com>.

Same thing can be done with radiomail, but the speed is slower and the
radios and service are more expensive.  And, they can still cut you off.

Of course, part-time connectivity is problemmatic, because you need to
receive mail at all times.  Of course, you could use a mail hub in a
"safe" country, but then you're tied to a government again.

-russ <nelson at crynwr.com>    http://www.crynwr.com/crynwr/nelson.html
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