The Value of Anonymity

carolb carolb at
Sun Jan 8 03:15:57 PST 1995

No, sometimes you don't learn till you've made a mistake.
As you could see I hurt really badly yesterday.

And now, so I can occupy myself quietly for a few days, are there
some good files to read so I can understand, and become a good remailer?

Registered<BETSI>BEllcore Trusted Software Integrity system programmer
Carol Anne Braddock   "Give me your Tired, your Poor, your old PC's..."
The TS NET                                  REVOKED PGP KEY NO.0C91594D     
carolb at                                       carolann at

On Sun, 8 Jan 1995 mkj at wrote:

> The value of anonymity, both on the nets and off, seems to be poorly
> understood, even among its strongest defenders.  The positive value of
> anonymity is not merely about protecting a few special groups such as
> sexual-abuse victims and whistleblowers.  While these are certainly
> valuable uses, if I believed that anonymity's positive impact were
> limited to these outside-the-mainstream groups, then I probably
> wouldn't accept the benefits of anonymity as outweighing its costs.
> But in fact, I believe that anonymity has crucially important benefits
> for nearly everyone.  There are several good arguments to be made, but
> in the interest of brevity I'll focus on only one:
> The explosive development of such personal data industries as targeted
> marketing and consumer and demographic profiling, have demonstrated
> that the business community considers personal data to be of great
> economic value.  (There's a parallel observation to be made here about
> governments, but I won't go into that now.)  There are also myriad
> uses being made of personal data throughout the professions, from
> labor negotiators to house burglars.  It is something of a truism that
> anyone who knows enough about you can probably find a way to beat you,
> either legally or illegally, often at great profit to themselves.
> In an information-age society without extremely strong privacy
> protections, the chief factor which makes the difference between
> winners and losers may be how much information each of us has on
> others, and how much they have on us.  Given this degree of economic
> and social motivation, it is easy to imagine the sort of panopticon
> which will soon arise on the Internet (and its descendants), unless
> the strongest possible protections are adopted.  (And it is equally
> easy to imagine who the biggest winners and losers will be.)
> Relying on government to protect personal privacy is like appointing
> the fox to guard the henhouse (or, as I seem to recall John Perry
> Barlow once putting it, "... getting a peeping tom to install your
> window blinds," or something like that).  In addition to the
> government's own motivations for eroding privacy, all the above
> economic considerations enter into government through lobbying,
> desires to maximize tax revenues, fund-raising considerations, and a
> whole raft of other avenues.
> Furthermore, the only tools which government could bring to bear would
> be a complex web of laws and regulations governing the circulation of
> personal data.  Such laws and regulations would have to constantly
> shift in a never ending cat-and-mouse game with business; and what's
> more, many of these laws and regulations would necessarily conflict
> with the free speech rights of private organizations.
> Bottom line: Anonymity is the only available tool which puts control
> over my own privacy firmly into my own hands, where it belongs, and
> does so without infringing on anyone's freedom of speech.  Certainly
> there are drawbacks, and anonymity may invite some abuses; but we have
> survived anonymity's problems in the past, and 'tis better to suffer
> in the hell we know than to be dragged into a new and hotter one.  The
> only society without any crime is a society without any freedom.
> My ($.02) conclusion: For preserving meaningful privacy, and for
> preventing an ugly and probably irreversible transformation of our
> world, anonymity is the best, perhaps the only viable tool we have.
> 					---  mkj
> Version: 2.6.2
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