easy avoidance of PGP signature forgeries and reuse

Steven L. Baur steve at miranova.com
Sat Dec 30 16:40:24 PST 1995


[sample implementation for Gnus is included]
>>>>> "Dimitri" == Dimitri Vulis <dlv at bwalk.dm.com> writes:

    Dimitri> I propose a format below.

See the PGP header block attached to this message as an example of
this proposed format.

    atilla> with e-mail, e-letters, direct faxes, etc. it is to easy
    atilla> to ignore the courtesy header. From a standpoint of
    atilla> security, you have blown away each of the attacks outline
    atilla> in your article in so much as the signature will not
    atilla> compute if the courtesy block is omitted.

    Dimitri> I totally agree; that's why I propose copying that info
    Dimitri> in the signed portion "by default".

    atilla> personally, I do not think PGP 3 should attempt to solve
    atilla> the problem. Most of the headers involved are applied
    atilla> _after_ the message leaves the mail program; and, PGP
    atilla> interfaces are virtually the same as invoking an alternate
    atilla> editor, which gets you nothing.

I agree.  Besides, this whole thing can be done with the existing PGP.
Date: and Message-ID: are two, and they need to be signed.  Date: is a
further problem with Gnus, since the format of the displayed date is
user customizable, but that's a separate issue.


    Dimitri> The "signed headers" portion may contain the following
    Dimitri> optional fields:

    Dimitri> From: address -- the address associated with the key used
    Dimitri> to sign this message

It's easier to deal with whatever is being used as the From: in the


    Dimitri> (Of course, the poster could lie and claim in the signed
    Dimitri> portion that the article is being posted to alt.sex.pedo
    Dimitri> when he himself posts it to misc.kids:)

So you would also include the Message-ID:.

    Dimitri> If a standard like this catches on, and is integrated
    Dimitri> into PGP-aware news/e-mail programs, then it's a simple
    Dimitri> exercise to write a little script to look for BEGIN PGP
    Dimitri> SIGNED HEADERS and compare the information inside it with
    Dimitri> the RFC 822/1036 headers outside the signed portion of
    Dimitri> the message. It could be done within PGP too.

This is basically a Good Idea, and can be implemented using existing

Here is some to code to implement it for Gnus.  Verification of the
headers is left (at present) as an exercise for the reader.

;;; Add this to your .gnus and call
;;; gnus-article-sign-message instead of mc-sign directly.
;;; Pgp signed messages are vulnerable to various kinds of badness due to
;;; the separation of header information.  Fix it.

(defconst gnus-pgp-included-headers '("From"
  "Headers to include in signed portion of PGP signed message.")

(defconst gnus-pgp-signed-headers "----BEGIN PGP SIGNED HEADERS----\n"
  "String to use for separation in message.")

(defun gnus-article-sign-message (arg)
  "Sign a message with PGP, including outgoing headers in an included
block, as per the suggestion of \"Dr. Dimitri Vulis\" <dlv at bwalk.dm.com>."
  (interactive "p")
      (goto-char (point-max))

      (or (mail-fetch-field "date")
	  (insert (concat "Date: " (gnus-inews-date) "\n")))
      (or (mail-fetch-field "message-id")
	  (insert (concat "Message-ID: " (gnus-inews-message-id) "\n")))))

    (goto-char (point-max))
    (insert "\n")
    ;; If there is already a header block (eg. after undoing a signature)
    ;; remove it entirely, and rebuild from scratch.
    (if (re-search-backward gnus-pgp-signed-headers nil t)
	  (kill-region (point) (point-max)))
    (insert gnus-pgp-signed-headers)
    (let ((headers gnus-pgp-included-headers)
	  header header-value)
      (while (setq header (car headers))
	(setq headers (cdr headers))
	  (setq header-value (mail-fetch-field header))))
	(if header-value
	    (insert (concat header ": " header-value "\n"))))
      (insert "\n")))
  (mc-sign arg))

- -- 
steve at miranova.com baur

To: cypherpunks at toad.com
Message-ID: <m2n38am8ht.fsf at diana.miranova.com>
Date: 30 Dec 1995 15:34:22 -0800
Subject: Re: easy avoidance of PGP signature forgeries and reuse

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


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