Australian "calculatorcard"

Cees de Groot (none) cg at
Sat Dec 30 09:10:28 PST 1995

Hi everybody,

Yesterday, on UK Discovery, there was an item in the programme Beyond 2000
about an Australian card which implements a challenge-response protocol
and can be used for banking, etcetera. Basically, you give your card
number (over the phone), get a challenge number, enter your pin and
the challenge, and then give the response. All in CC format...

They plugged it as the ultimate identity-prover, so I'm kind of interested
in what's behind. Now, I know that Discovery constantly repeats old
stuff, so I'm not sure whether this is actually hot/new/... 

Can anybody provide me with pointers to more in-depth information about
this device and the algorithm(s) behind it ?


Cees de Groot, OpenLink Software		     <C.deGroot at>
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