Houston C'punk gathering

turner at TeleCheck.com turner at TeleCheck.com
Fri Dec 22 16:23:01 PST 1995

For C'punks in the Houston area, there will be an informal gathering 
at Strack's Restaurant, tomorrow at approx. 11:00 a.m.

I will attempt to get there a little early, and I will be the one with a red 
lamborghini countach on the table.  Just come up and sit down.  
Strack's has a breakfast buffet which is reasonably priced, or at 
least it was the last time I went there.

Possible Topics for Discussion:

I will also be bringing the encryption algorithms used by VMS (the 
AUTODIN-II, Purdy with salted input, Purdy (Purdy V) with variable 
length username, and the Purdy (Purdy S) with additional bit 
rotation).  I have tested these under VMS 6.2 and they seem to 
work fine, although they could be (and should be) optimized for 
brute forcing.

I will also be bringing some password brute forcing code that 
utilize the system services to encrypt the password (and punch CPU 
usage through the roof).  It will crack a three character password 
in under a minute on a loaded AXP 3000LX.  

I will also be bringing a copy of the infamous _Giant Black Book of 
Computer Viruses_ by Mark Ludwig.  Interesting stuff.  

Directions (from Houston):

 	Take I-45 North.  You will pass 1960 and then will drive 
though a stretch of road riddled with construction barrels.  Do not 
exit Holzworth, but take the next exit (Louetta).  Get on Louetta 
(you will have to make a right turn and you will be on the overpass), 
and take the overpass west towards Tomball.

	You will cross through several intersections, Strack's 
will be on your left, after you cross Kukendaul (approx. 1-2 miles 

	If anyone gets lost, or wants more info you can page me
at: (713) 866-0989.

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