The Problem With Blaze And Weinstein

ECafe Anonymous Remailer cpunk at
Thu Dec 21 02:17:27 PST 1995

I was not interested in starting a flame but
I seem to have ignited one. I'm sorry about that.

Since almost nobody sees these people from big
corps as having a conflict of interest by being here
I am willing to drop the subject having raised
the point. It just seemed funny to me that
cypherPUNKS would be so happy to have these
fortune 500 types running the show. I guess
I see the point that these people have something
to contribute as long as they are honest about who
they are. I have to say it rubs me wrong though.

Like I said I've written a lot of code in my day
and many of you are probably running some of it
while you read this (enough said).

I just don't want to depend on att or
netscape to protect me. Even if they
do a good job the cost of using their
stuff is too high (for example the
fine print in that att product).

Lets write our own code and gpl it
so no one can take it away!

s/ Bill Gates

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