What ever happened to... Cray Comp/NSA co-development

Timothy C. May tcmay at got.net
Mon Dec 18 12:15:02 PST 1995

At 5:50 AM 12/18/95, Jim Gillogly wrote:
>Correction of one detail:
>> tcmay at got.net (Timothy C. May) writes:
>> When you've done this, and concluded that RSA-129 could be done in, say, X
>> minutes, then move on to RSA-384 (the BlackNet key cracked by the MIT
>> group), and on to the 1024- and 2048-bit keys. Tell us how many years or
>> centuries it will take. (Hint: Rivest and Schneier have done these
>The BlackNet key break didn't have any MIT involvement: it was done by
>Paul Leyland of Oxford, Arjen Lenstra of Bellcore, Alec Muffet of Sun UK,
>and Jim Gillogly of Cypherpunks, RAND, and Gillogly Software in no
>particular order.

Sorry, Jim. I thought that Derek Atkins was involved, which led to thinking
it was MIT. Now that you've reminded me, some of the details are beginning
to come back. (I knew that someone from our list was involved....)

--Tim May

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Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
tcmay at got.net  408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
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