e$: Seven Days

Timothy C. May tcmay at got.net
Sat Dec 16 02:38:12 PST 1995

At 2:32 AM 12/16/95, Robert Hettinga wrote:

[much elided]

>This is an honest-to-goodness, straight out of the Whole-Earth Domebook,
>back to the land, llamas-and-all geodesic dome, complete with naked
>hippies in the hot tub. I come to the conclusion that this is going to

I was one of the "naked hippies in the hot tub," for a couple of hours or so.

>This chair now had another guy sitting in it, and, as I had been doing
>all evening,  I introduced myself, by way of retrieving my Powerbook. It
>was Tim May.
>I laughed, and shook his hand goodbye, which must have puzzled him a
>bit, got my Mac from behind him, and split.  Tim May looks much
>different in person than he does on the net. On the net, he's this
>short, skinny-but-muscular, pushy guy with no beard who looks too young
>for his age. In person, he's exactly the opposite on all counts. Gooo


Yes, I was surprised it was Bob, as I hadn't heard he was there. But, then,
I had been in the hot tub and was in a state of torpor even afterwards.
Also, I tend to sit and not partake of the frenzied shmoozing which so
often occurs at these parties.

I probably would've encountered Bob earlier if people were doing what I
urge them to do at my parties: wear name tags. (I have a pile of name tags
and suggest to people that wearing them is completely "voluntary" in the
true sense--not the Newspeak GAK sense--and that they can of course choose
to remain unknown to others. This helps greatly in recognizing and
remembering names, and it's too bad name tags have been tagged as "uncool"
by so many.)

I guess to an outsider this party at the geodesic dome in the Santa Cruz
mountains must've seemed like the canonical California experience, complete
with hot tubs, redwoods, programmers, writers, etc. To us, it's just

By the way, in honor of the "geodesic network" and "geodesic payment
systems," and the geodesic dome the party was in, I propose we rename "e$"
with a more fitting name: "buckybucks." Or just "buckys" for short. ("Did
you remember to replenish the buckybits?")

--Tim May

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Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
tcmay at got.net  408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
Corralitos, CA              | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^756839      | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders are just speed bumps on the information superhighway."

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