Anyone Remember socket.c?

Mike Duvos mpd at
Thu Dec 7 18:48:39 PST 1995

Fellow 'Punks,

A while back on the list, someone posted a very short C
program called socket.c, which, when given a port number
and an excutable, would fork off copies of a given
application for anyone who connected to the port. 

I saved the program at the time, but seem to have
deleted it.  I realize it would be trivial to write, 
but don't want to have to look at nasty network 
#include files. 

If someone could either post it to the list again, or
email me a copy, I will be eternally greatful. 

     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     mpd at     $    via Finger.                      $

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