Hiding conventionally encrypted messages in PGP messages to someelse.

0x7CF5048D at nowhere 0x7CF5048D at nowhere
Fri Sep 2 20:20:37 PDT 1994


I have been thinking about steganography lately. Correct me if I am
wrong, but it seems to me that if one wants to hide encrypted data, then
all this public key encryption stuff becomes irrelevant. It seems that
the sender and the recipient must agree on a way to hide the data. The
time of this agreement is a perfect time to exchange conventional

Speaking of conventional encryption, PGP uses conventional encryption
(IDEA). RSA is only used to transmit a conventional encryption key,
after it has been randomly chosen. So if we wish to hide conventionally
encrypted data, why not use the purloined letter method, and hide it as
the conventionally encrypted data in a PGP encrypted file?

Then, when Darth Vader finds the PGP encrypted file, we can say that we
can not decrypt the file, because it was encrypted for
obiwan at galaxy.far.far.away. If the RSA headers confirm this, Darth will
have no reason to disbelieve us. Hopefully, obiwan will be out of
Darth's reach.

To create such a file, we would simply create as PGP usually does,
except that we specify or record the conventional IDEA key used. Then to
decrypt the file, we simply ignore the RSA headers and use the specified
or recorded conventional IDEA key. We could even insure that the IDEA
key in the RSA encrypted headers is wrong. So, obiwan can not reveal
the data even if Darth can seize him.

I have created a hack to PGP ui to do all of the above!
The hack works exactly like ordinary PGP except that there
are 3 new configuration parameters which may only be specified
only on the command line. These parameters are +DISPLAYIDEAKEY

+DISPLAYIDEAKEY=on causes the IDEA key used to be displayed in

+SPECIFYIDEAKEY is used to specify the idea key. It can
be specified as a passphrase or as a hexadecimal string.

+WRONGIDEAKEY=on causes the wrong idea key to be encrypted
into the RSA blocks so that the nominal recipient can not
decrypt the file.


pgp "+SPECIFYIDEAKEY=my pass phrase" -eat file obiwan at galaxy.far.far.away

We will be able to decrypt the encrypted file even though we are
not obiwan by:

pgp "+SPECIFYIDEAKEY=my pass phrase" file.asc

If we wish to encrypt as above but we do not want obiwan to be able
to decrypt we would say:

pgp +WRONGIDEAKEY=on "+SPECIFYIDEAKEY=my pass phrase" -eat file obiwan at galaxy.far.far.away

obiwan will not be able to decrypt (but we will), because the wrong idea
key (chosen randomly) will be RSA encrypted in the headers.

We can use the +DISPLAYIDEAKEY=on parameter to display the idea key used.

pgp +DISPLAYIDEAKEY=on -eat file obiwan at galaxy.far.far.away

This will print the idea key in hex.

We will be able to decrypt by specifying the displayed key in hex.

pgp +SPECIFYIDEAKEY=0X7ee723d686cf5aac8d4b3fd091a00e3e file.asc

We can use the parameter +SPECIFYIDEAKEY=PROMPT (upper case)
to cause the hacked PGP to prompt for the pass phrase or hex
string from the terminal.

If you use any of the above be sure that +SELF_ENCRYPT
is off. It will not do to have your own name in the RSA headers
when Darth comes for you.

To create a hacked version of the program, do the following 

1) Run this message thru pgp to restore the cutmarks.
2) unpack the pgp 2.6 ui sources to a directory.
3) apply the context diffs (below) using patch.
	patch <file
4) compile as usual.
5) rename the executable something other than pgp so as
   to respect Phil's trade mark.

Someone please store this message on BBS's and public
FTP sites so that it is publicly available.

Context diffs follow.
- --------------------cut here------------------------------
diff -c ..\src/config.c ./config.c
*** ../src/config.c	Wed May 25 18:58:19 1994
- --- ./config.c	Tue Aug 23 12:45:21 1994
*** 88,94 ****
  	/* options below this line can only be used as command line
  	 * "long" options */
  static char *intrinsics[] =
- --- 88,95 ----
  	/* options below this line can only be used as command line
  	 * "long" options */
  static char *intrinsics[] =
*** 99,104 ****
- --- 100,106 ----
  	/* command line only */
  static INPUT_TYPE intrinsicType[] =
*** 109,114 ****
- --- 111,117 ----
  	/* command line only */
  /* Possible settings for variables */
*** 411,416 ****
- --- 414,424 ----
  			case BATCHMODE: batchmode = flag; break;
  			case FORCE: force_flag = flag; break;
  			case PKCS_COMPAT: pkcs_compat = value; break;
+ 			case DISPLAYIDEAKEY: display_idea_key = flag; break;
+ 				specify_idea_key = str;
+ 				break;
+ 			case WRONGIDEAKEY: wrong_idea_key = flag; break;
diff -c ..\src/crypto.c ./crypto.c
*** ../src/crypto.c	Fri May 27 12:01:05 1994
- --- ./crypto.c	Tue Aug 23 10:40:26 1994
*** 458,464 ****
  	return RANDSEED_SIZE;
! int make_random_ideakey(byte key[IDEAKEYSIZE+RAND_PREFIX_LENGTH])
  /*	Make a random IDEA key.  Returns its length (the constant 16).
  	It also generates a random IV, which is placed in the key array
  	after the key proper, but is not counted in the length.
- --- 458,464 ----
  	return RANDSEED_SIZE;
! int make_random_ideakey_ign(byte key[IDEAKEYSIZE+RAND_PREFIX_LENGTH],int ignore)
  /*	Make a random IDEA key.  Returns its length (the constant 16).
  	It also generates a random IV, which is placed in the key array
  	after the key proper, but is not counted in the length.
*** 483,489 ****
  			 /* get some random key bits */
! 		for (count = 0; count < IDEAKEYSIZE+RAND_PREFIX_LENGTH; count++)
  			key[count] = randombyte();
- --- 483,489 ----
  			 /* get some random key bits */
! 		for (count = ignore; count < IDEAKEYSIZE+RAND_PREFIX_LENGTH; count++)
  			key[count] = randombyte();
*** 493,499 ****
  /* Generate a good random IDEA key and initial vector */
  /* If we have no random bytes, the randombyte() part will be useless */
! 	while (count--)
  		key[count] = idearand() ^ try_randombyte();
  /* Write out a new randseed.bin */
- --- 493,499 ----
  /* Generate a good random IDEA key and initial vector */
  /* If we have no random bytes, the randombyte() part will be useless */
! 	while (count-- > ignore )
  		key[count] = idearand() ^ try_randombyte();
  /* Write out a new randseed.bin */
*** 501,507 ****
  	return IDEAKEYSIZE;
  word32 getpastlength(byte ctb, FILE *f)
  /*	Returns the length of a packet according to the CTB and
- --- 501,510 ----
  	return IDEAKEYSIZE;
! int make_random_ideakey(byte key[IDEAKEYSIZE+RAND_PREFIX_LENGTH])
! {
! 	return make_random_ideakey_ign(key,0);
! }
  word32 getpastlength(byte ctb, FILE *f)
  /*	Returns the length of a packet according to the CTB and
*** 2075,2081 ****
  	FILE *f;	/* input file */
  	FILE *g;	/* output file */
! 	byte ideakey[16];
  	struct hashedpw *hpw;
  	if (verbose)
- --- 2078,2084 ----
  	FILE *f;	/* input file */
  	FILE *g;	/* output file */
! 	byte ideakey[IDEAKEYSIZE+RAND_PREFIX_LENGTH]; /* 16 + 8 */
  	struct hashedpw *hpw;
  	if (verbose)
*** 2099,2105 ****
  	/* Get IDEA password, hashed to a key */
  	if (passwds)
! 	{	memcpy(ideakey, passwds->hash, sizeof(ideakey));
  		memset(passwds->hash, 0, sizeof(passwds->hash));
  		hpw = passwds;
  		passwds = passwds->next;
- --- 2102,2110 ----
  	/* Get IDEA password, hashed to a key */
  	if (passwds)
! 	{
! 		make_random_ideakey_ign(ideakey,IDEAKEYSIZE);
! 		memcpy(ideakey, passwds->hash, sizeof(passwds->hash));
  		memset(passwds->hash, 0, sizeof(passwds->hash));
  		hpw = passwds;
  		passwds = passwds->next;
*** 2140,2145 ****
- --- 2145,2183 ----
  static byte (*keyID_list)[KEYFRAGSIZE] = NULL;
+ int display_key(byte ideakey[24])
+ {
+   int i;
+   for(i=0;i<IDEAKEYSIZE;i++)
+ 	fprintf(pgpout,"%02.2x",(unsigned)ideakey[i]);
+ }
+ int ideakey_get(byte ideakey[24])
+ {
+ 	char buf[160];
+ 	unsigned val;
+ 	int i;
+ 	if (strcmp(specify_idea_key,"PROMPT") == 0)
+ 	{
+ 	  fprintf(pgpout,"Enter passphrase for Idea key:");
+ 	  fflush(pgpout);
+ 	  getstring(buf,sizeof(buf),showpass);
+ 	  specify_idea_key = buf;
+ 	}
+ 	if( (specify_idea_key[0] == '0')
+ 		&& (toupper(specify_idea_key[1]) == 'X') )
+ 	{
+ 	  char * buf;
+ 	  buf = specify_idea_key+2;
+ 	  for(i=0;i<IDEAKEYSIZE;i++)
+ 	  {
+ 	    sscanf(buf+(2*i),"%02x",&val);
+ 	    ideakey[i] = (byte) (unsigned char) (val&0xff);
+ 	  }
+ 	}
+ 	else hashpass(specify_idea_key,strlen(specify_idea_key),ideakey);
+ 	fill0(specify_idea_key,strlen(specify_idea_key));
+ 	return IDEAKEYSIZE;
+ }
  int encryptfile(char **mcguffins, char *infile, char *outfile, 
  	boolean attempt_compression)
*** 2206,2212 ****
  		fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Get back to the beginning for encryption */
! 	ckp_length = make_random_ideakey(ideakey);
  	/* Returns a 24 byte random IDEA key */
  /* Assume MSB external byte ordering */
- --- 2244,2258 ----
  		fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Get back to the beginning for encryption */
! 	if ( specify_idea_key && !wrong_idea_key)
! 	{
! 		ckp_length = make_random_ideakey_ign(ideakey,IDEAKEYSIZE);
! 		ideakey_get(ideakey);
! 	}
! 	else
! 	{
! 		ckp_length = make_random_ideakey(ideakey);
! 	};
  	/* Returns a 24 byte random IDEA key */
  /* Assume MSB external byte ordering */
*** 2261,2266 ****
- --- 2307,2327 ----
+ 	if(wrong_idea_key && display_idea_key ) 
+ 	{
+ 	  int i;
+ 	  fprintf(pgpout,"Key specified in RSA headers is :");
+ 	  display_key(ideakey);
+ 	  fprintf(pgpout,"\nbut,\n");
+ 	}
+ 	if (wrong_idea_key && specify_idea_key) ideakey_get(ideakey);
+ 	if ( display_idea_key )
+ 	{
+ 	  fprintf(pgpout,"Idea Key used to conventionally encrypt data is :");
+ 	  display_key(ideakey);
+ 	  fputc('\n',pgpout);
+ 	}
  	/**	Finished with RSA block containing IDEA key. */
*** 2862,2867 ****
- --- 2923,2946 ----
  		nkeys = nkey;
+ 	if ( gotkey && specify_idea_key && display_idea_key )
+ 	{
+ 		fprintf(pgpout,"Idea key specified by the RSA headers is:");
+ 		display_key(outbuf+1);
+ 		fprintf(pgpout,"\n but ");
+ 	}
+ 	if( specify_idea_key )
+ 	{
+ 		ideakey_get(outbuf+1);
+ 		gotkey = 1;
+ 	};
+ 	if ( display_idea_key )
+ 	{
+ 	  fprintf(pgpout,"Idea key used to conventionally decrypt file is:");
+ 	  display_key(outbuf+1);
+ 	  fputc('\n',pgpout);
+ 	};
  	/* Ok, Now lets clean up, and continue on to the rest of the file so
  	 * that it can be decrypted properly.  Things should be ok once I
  	 * reset some stuff here...	-derek
*** 2877,2899 ****
! 	/* Verify that top of buffer has correct algorithm byte */
! 	--count;	/* one less byte to drop algorithm byte */
  /* Assume MSB external byte ordering */
! 	if (version_error(outbuf[0], IDEA_ALGORITHM_BYTE))
! 	{	fclose(f);
! 	}
! 	/* Verify checksum */
! 	count -= 2;	/* back up before checksum */
  /* Assume MSB external byte ordering */
! 	chksum = fetch_word16(outbuf+1+count);
! 	if (chksum != checksum(outbuf+1, count))
! 	{	fprintf(pgpout,PSTR("\n\007Error: RSA-decrypted block is corrupted.\n\
  This may be caused either by corrupted data or by using the wrong RSA key.\n"));
  	/* outbuf should contain random IDEA key packet */
- --- 2956,2981 ----
! 	if ( !specify_idea_key)
! 	{
! 	  /* Verify that top of buffer has correct algorithm byte */
! 	  --count;	/* one less byte to drop algorithm byte */
  /* Assume MSB external byte ordering */
! 	  if (version_error(outbuf[0], IDEA_ALGORITHM_BYTE))
! 	  {	fclose(f);
! 	  }
! 	  /* Verify checksum */
! 	  count -= 2;	/* back up before checksum */
  /* Assume MSB external byte ordering */
! 	  chksum = fetch_word16(outbuf+1+count);
! 	  if (chksum != checksum(outbuf+1, count))
! 	  {	fprintf(pgpout,PSTR("\n\007Error: RSA-decrypted block is corrupted.\n\
  This may be caused either by corrupted data or by using the wrong RSA key.\n"));
+ 	  }
  	/* outbuf should contain random IDEA key packet */
diff -c ..\src/crypto.h ./crypto.h
*** ../src/crypto.h	Fri May 27 11:59:04 1994
- --- ./crypto.h	Mon Aug 22 13:24:08 1994
*** 59,64 ****
- --- 59,65 ----
  /* Make a random IDEA key.  Returns its length (the constant 16). */
  int make_random_ideakey(byte *key);
+ int make_random_ideakey_ign(byte *key,int ignore);
  /*	Return date string, given pointer to 32-bit timestamp */
  char *cdate(word32 *tstamp);
diff -c ..\src/pgp.c ./pgp.c
*** ../src/pgp.c	Fri May 27 12:15:04 1994
- --- ./pgp.c	Mon Aug 22 16:27:10 1994
*** 387,392 ****
- --- 387,398 ----
  struct hashedpw *passwds = 0, *keypasswds = 0;
  static struct hashedpw **passwdstail = &passwds;
+ /* these are the static variables used by deceptive pgp */
+ boolean wrong_idea_key=0;  /* use wrong idea key (nominal recip can not decrypt)*/
+ char * specify_idea_key=NULL; /* specify idea key */
+ boolean display_idea_key=0;      /* display idea key used */
  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  	int status, opt;
diff -c ..\src/pgp.h ./pgp.h
*** ../src/pgp.h	Wed May 25 18:43:23 1994
- --- ./pgp.h	Mon Aug 22 16:27:10 1994
*** 238,243 ****
- --- 238,248 ----
  extern char armor_version[MAX_VERSION_LENGTH];	/* version text in armor output */
  extern int version_byte;	/* PGP packet format version */
+ /* these are the static variables used by deceptive pgp */
+ extern boolean wrong_idea_key;  /* use wrong idea key (nominal recip can not decrypt)*/
+ extern char * specify_idea_key; /* specify idea key */
+ extern boolean display_idea_key;      /* display idea key used */
  /* These lists store hashed passwords for future use. */
  /* passwds are passwords of as-yet-unknown purpose; keypasswds
     are passwords used to decrypt keys. */

Version: 2.6


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